This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Special Offers on RAD Studio Delphi & C++Builder XE3

Special Offers on RAD Studio Delphi & C++Builder XE3 

Now is a great time to get the new XE3 versions of RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder. In addition to all the great new features of XE3 for Windows 8 and Mac OS X development, 64-bit Windows compilers and FireMonkey FM2, you also get to take advantage of these special offers. And as a RAD Studio XE3 or Delphi XE3 registered user, you will be eligible for priority access to the Delphi for iOS beta. Offers end March 15, 2013. Must redeem free items within 14 days of purchase.

Buy Delphi XE3 Professional or C++Builder XE3 Professional and get HTML5 Builder, Free!

With HTML5 Builder, you can develop web apps and mobile web apps using the latest technologies and the same visual development style as Delphi and C++Builder. HTML5 Builder is a great addition to your software development toolbox. $299 value, free!
How to get it: Buy Delphi XE3 Professional edition or C++Builder XE3 Professional edition. Register your XE3 product, then go to the offer redemption page to download your free copy of HTML5 Builder. Must register your purchased product and download your free product within 14 days of purchase. Available for new user and upgrade purchases. Not available with purchases of 5-packs, 10-packs or Academic licenses.

RAD Studio, Delphi and C++BuilderGet the Architect edition at the Enterprise edition price when you buy RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder XE3!

If you’re considering purchasing Enterprise edition, now you can get Architect edition with advanced data architecture and UML modeling at no extra cost (up to $1,500 extra value). If you work with data and want to get a software and database architect’s perspective on your development projects and the ability to reverse engineer your databases, this is the edition for you.
How to get it: Instead of purchasing Enterprise, purchase Architect edition. RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder XE3 Architect editions are discounted to the Enterprise price through March 15, 2013. Available for new user and upgrade purchases. Academic excluded.

Additional Offer Information and FAQs (Click Questions to Expand):

Terms and Conditions:

  • Offer only valid on products purchased from January 31, 2013 through March 15, 2013
  • Free items must be redeemed by March 30, 2013
  • Offer void where prohibited by law
  • These offers cannot be combined with any other promotions
  • Academic licenses and Starter editions are not eligible for these promotions
  • Purchased product cannot be discounted
  • Maintenance is not included in the product price. Maintenance can be purchased separately.
  • Embarcadero reserves the right to change, cancel or amend offer at any time
  • Additional restrictions may apply
 source : embarcadero

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Embarcadero to Host Webinar on Obtaining Better Performance from Your Oracle Database

SAN FRANCISCO – Jan. 24, 2013 – Embarcadero Technologies announced today it is hosting a free webinar titled "Understanding Oracle Optimizer Statistics" featuring DBA specialist Karen Morton. Two separate sessions will be held on Jan. 29, 2013.
Whether you're a developer or a DBA, you want your application SQL to perform well and remain stable over time. You can stack the odds in your favor by understanding Oracle optimizer statistics and how the optimizer formulates execution plans. The calculations the optimizer uses to make operation choices are rooted in some very simple statistical formulas. These formulas, if understood, can help you make better choices when tuning SQL and improve database performance over the long haul.
Webinar attendees will learn:
  • Oracle optimizer statistics fundamentals for computing cardinality/selectivity on single and multi-column predicates
  • How statistics can help the optimizer understand data distribution patterns
  • Reasons why certain ways of writing SQL limit the optimizer's ability and how query transformations improve the odds
Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013
7:00 a.m. PST/ 10:00 a.m. EST
11:00 a.m. PST /2:00 p.m. EST
To register for a webinar session, visit:
About the Presenter
Karen Morton is a consultant and educator specializing in application optimization in both shoulder-to-shoulder consulting engagements and classroom settings. She is a Senior DBA Performance and Tuning Specialist. For over 20 years, Karen has worked in information technology. Starting as a mainframe programmer and developer, she has been a DBA, a data architect and now is a researcher, educator and consultant. Having used Oracle since the early 90's, she began teaching others how to use Oracle over a decade ago. Karen is a frequent speaker at conferences and user groups, an Oracle ACE, and a member of the OakTable network.
About Embarcadero Technologies
Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of award-winning tools for application developers and database professionals so they can design systems right, build them faster and run them better, regardless of their platform or programming language. Ninety of the Fortune 100 and an active community of more than three million users worldwide rely on Embarcadero products to increase productivity, reduce costs, simplify change management and compliance, and accelerate innovation. Founded in 1993, Embarcadero is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices located around the

Sunday, April 26, 2009

convert dari Stringgrid ke Excel

ada beberapa cara untuk menconvert data dari stringgrid ke Microsoft Excel, diantaranya adalah :

1. Dengan OLE yg sudah include di Delphi


function RefToCell(ARow, ACol: Integer): string;
Result := Chr(Ord('A') + ACol - 1) + IntToStr(ARow);

function SaveAsExcelFile(AGrid: TStringGrid; ASheetName, AFileName: string): Boolean;
xlWBATWorksheet = -4167;
Row, Col: Integer;
GridPrevFile: string;
XLApp, Sheet, Data: OLEVariant;
i, j: Integer;
Data := VarArrayCreate([1, AGrid.RowCount, 1, AGrid.ColCount], varVariant);
for i := 0 to AGrid.ColCount - 1 do
for j := 0 to AGrid.RowCount - 1 do
Data[j + 1, i + 1] := AGrid.Cells[i, j];

Result := False;
XLApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application');

XLApp.Visible := False;

Sheet := XLApp.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets[1];
Sheet.Name := ASheetName;

Sheet.Range[RefToCell(1, 1), RefToCell(AGrid.RowCount,
AGrid.ColCount)].Value := Data;
Result := True;


if not VarIsEmpty(XLApp) then
XLApp.DisplayAlerts := False;
XLAPP := Unassigned;
Sheet := Unassigned;

// button1 untuk save ke excel

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
if SaveAsExcelFile(stringGrid1, 'data stringgrid', 'c:\file.xls') then
ShowMessage('data telah disimpan');

2. Tanpa menggunakan OLE

procedure XlsWriteCellLabel(XlsStream: TStream; const ACol, ARow: Word;
const AValue: string);
L: Word;
CXlsLabel: array[0..5] of Word = ($204, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
L := Length(AValue);
CXlsLabel[1] := 8 + L;
CXlsLabel[2] := ARow;
CXlsLabel[3] := ACol;
CXlsLabel[5] := L;
XlsStream.WriteBuffer(CXlsLabel, SizeOf(CXlsLabel));
XlsStream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(AValue)^, L);

function SaveAsExcelFile(AGrid: TStringGrid; AFileName: string): Boolean;
{$J+} CXlsBof: array[0..5] of Word = ($809, 8, 00, $10, 0, 0); {$J-}
CXlsEof: array[0..1] of Word = ($0A, 00);
FStream: TFileStream;
I, J: Integer;
Result := False;
FStream := TFileStream.Create(PChar(AFileName), fmCreate or fmOpenWrite);
CXlsBof[4] := 0;
FStream.WriteBuffer(CXlsBof, SizeOf(CXlsBof));
for i := 0 to AGrid.ColCount - 1 do
for j := 0 to AGrid.RowCount - 1 do
XlsWriteCellLabel(FStream, I, J, AGrid.cells[i, j]);
FStream.WriteBuffer(CXlsEof, SizeOf(CXlsEof));
Result := True;

// button1 untuk save ke excel

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
if SaveAsExcelFile(stringGrid1, 'data stringgrid', 'c:\file.xls') then
ShowMessage('data telah disimpan');

Saturday, March 14, 2009

menyembunyikan desktop windows

icon-icon aplikasi yang ada di desktop windows kadang-kadang membuat kita merasa tidak nyaman, tapi bila kita hapus semua icon terkadang pula kita males kalau harus menjalankan program lewat start menu. nah, di delphi kita bisa menyembunyikan icon untuk sementara waktu dan dapat menampilkan icon pada waktu yang kita inginkan. berikut adalah caranya :

1. buat procedure untuk menyembunyikan icon desktop.

masukkan perintah berikut ini pada button.

ShowWindow(FindWindow(nil,'Program Manager'),SW_HIDE);

perintah di atas adalah perintah untuk menyembunyikan icon di desktop windows.

2. buat procedure untuk menampilkan kembali icon di desktop windows.

masukkan perintah berikut ini pada button2 yang berfungsi untuk menampilkan icon desktop.

ShowWindow(FindWindow(nil,'Program Manager'),SW_SHOW);

perintah diatas adalah untuk menampilkan icon di desktop.
